
sábado, 30 de mayo de 2015

Layout "Pretty woman"

Hola a tod@s.
Este layout  lo he hecho para participar en 2 blogs de retos que me gustan mucho. Uno de ellos es Scrap Around The World con su épico evento anual. Es una fiesta increíble con muchos participantes y unos premios fantásticos. Hoy se termina el plazo de inscripción así que llego justo al tiempo :))
En la foto es mi prima Gala que ya la conocéis de mis anteriores trabajos, que sigue inspirandome para hacer mis scrap proyectos. Por cierto, mi hija al ver tantos trabajos que hago con las fotos de mi prima, me ha reprochado que no hago proyectos sobre ella, se puso celosa pobreta :)) Así que imprimi muchas fotos de mi peque y pronto empezaré a utilizarlos en mis trabajos ;)

Hi everyone. 
I made this layout to participate in 2 challenge blogs which I like very much. One of them is Scrap Around The World with their Epic Event Competition! May 2015 Challenge 25. It is an incredible party with many participations from all over the world and some fantastic prizes. Today it is the last day to join in so I am harry up to link my project in:)) In the picture is my cousin Gala, you know her from my previous work. She still inspiring me to make my scrap projects. But one day, my daughter saw so many layouts with my cousin, that she became jealous :)) So  I have already printed a lot of photos with my sweet girl and soon I will start to use them in my layouts;)

So, as I have said before, I participate in Epic Event Competition! May 2015 Challenge 25 from SATW with this amazing mood board. I have insiped with the pink color, the roses and the high-heeled shoes. All mood board transmits me the  elegance, softness and smoothness. It is that I tried to show in my layout. I played thith the contrasts of the colors and the meaning (in this sometimes hard world which is presented with black background, there is something beauty and pretty :) 

And the second challenge where I play with is May challenge - bubbles of Scrapki  Wyzwaniowo:

Gracias por seguir visitándome y muchos beso! Nos vemos pronto! Buen fin de semana!

Thank you for your visit!!! See youi later and have a great weekend! xxx

24 comentarios:

  1. Лена, фантастическая страничка! Столько слоев, деталей, техник! очень хочется так научиться! Желаю удачи! Буду ждать страничек с дочкой!

    1. Спасибо, Жанна! Дочка сама уже скрапит во всю, она же "как мама" проэкты делает :)) скоро я у нее буду на страничках :))

  2. Beautiful page! Thanks for playing along with us at SATW! :)

  3. What a gorgeous creation! and such a pretty photo! Thank you for joining in with the challenges over at SATW (Epic Event) and Scrapki-Wyzwaniowo xx

  4. Very pretty page! Thank you for celebrating our May Epic Event with us at Scrap Around the World!

  5. Beautiful, creative details ♥ Thanks you for playing with us at Scrapki-Wyzwaniowo!

  6. Лена, чудесная страничка! Спасибо за участие от Scrapki-Wyzwaniowo!

    1. Леночка, спасибо вам, за такое прекрасное задание!

  7. Gorgeous layout - love the texture!!

  8. Beautiful! Thanks for joining in our Epic Event at SATW!!

    1. Thank you very much, Helen! I couldn´t miss this event ;))

  9. Amazing work! Thank you for playing along with us at SATW May epic event :)

  10. Beautiful page! Thank you so much for playing with us at Scrapki-Wyzwaniowo! :)

  11. So sweet! Thank you for joining us at scrapki-wyzwaniowo :)

  12. Respuestas
    1. Thank you Tusia! It is because of the paper I used, it is so beautiful !!! :)
